SVdP Cristo Rey Conference

Hope Is Where the Heart Is
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Ways We Help
Our Mission
SVDP, Cristo Rey leads individuals to offer individual service to the poor, no matter their faith. The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
SVDP, Cristo Rey guía a personas a ofrecer servicio individual a los pobres, sin importar su fe. La misión de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl es una red de amigos, inspirados en los valores del Evangelio, creciendo en santidad y construyendo un mundo más justo a través de relaciones personales y servicio a las personas necesitadas.
Nuestra Misión
Who is SVdP?
We believe that helping neighbors starts at home. At the heart of the SVDP – is the home visit. Working in groups of two, we make hundreds of in-home visits each year, bringing food, clothing, and other needed services to families. We partner with other agencies, nonprofits, and people of goodwill to provide other services.
We are unique among the charities at local parishes and churches, in that we go to peoples’ homes when they call us for help. We pray with them and provide direct assistance in addition to coordinating other much needed resources when the need is more than we can handle.
Our commitment extends to various areas of assistance, such as aiding families on the brink of eviction or homelessness by assisting with the final dollars needed for rent or mortgage payments. We also address overdue utility bills, provide bedding, furniture, and provide food for families.
Tender God, refuge of the poor, You filled Vincent de Paul with the strength of the apostles to work for the salvation of the poor and the instruction of the clergy. May we who follow the example of his life be driven by unceasing charity to continue the mission of Your Son in the world. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
People we help
In 2023 Cristo Rey SVdP visited 350 families and served 980 people. These numbers do not reflect the people who were not home, or families/individuals who chose to come to our parish to pick-up food or the hundreds of calls we made to refer families to other resources.
Christ calls us to make a difference in the lives of others, and that’s what SVdP strives to do. Get involved and build community while you help others.
Personas a las que Ayudamos
En 2023 Cristo Rey SVdP visitó a 350 familias y atendió a 980 personas. Estos números no reflejan las personas que no estaban en casa, ni las familias/individuos que decidieron venir a nuestra parroquia a recoger comida ni los cientos de llamadas que hicimos para recomendar a las familias otros recursos.
Cristo nos llama a marcar una diferencia en la vida de los demás, y eso es lo que SVdP se esfuerza por hacer. Participe y construya una comunidad mientras ayuda a otros.
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Padre Celestial, refugio de los pobres, Tú llenaste a Vicente de Paúl con la fuerza de los apóstoles para trabajar por la salvación de los pobres y la instrucción del clero. Que nosotros, que seguimos el ejemplo de su vida, seamos impulsados ​​por la caridad incesante a continuar la misión de tu Hijo en el mundo. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor, que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Luke 6:38 says, 'Give, and it will be given to you.' We must first plant a seed of faith so that God can multiply it back to meet our need, one hundred percent of your donations go directly to help those in need. Every penny.
Lucas 6:38 dice: 'Dad, y se os dará'. Primero debemos plantar una semilla de fe para que Dios pueda volver a multiplicarla para suplir nuestra necesidad, el cien por ciento de sus donaciones van directamente a ayudar a los necesitados. Cada centavo.